Monday, March 17, 2008

Tony's time to talk

This is my blog page and I'm going to talk about what's going on. Right now I'm on spring break and the Oehm's and one of Kourtney's friends are coming over today. And it's raining, it's pouring, I wish that I was snoring.
Joke of the week: Jokes on me i can't think of one so I'll get back with you later.


Anonymous said...

What-basketball is your favorite? What about football? Help me create a blog! Brandon

Itchellmeh said...

yay Tony for blogging!!!! - Mitchy Mitchell!

Becka said...

I like your pictures! Yay for starting a blog!

Janet said...

Mission accomplished, you're officially a Blogger. Tell a Joke! Mom

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.